Boyfriend Birthday Status Video Editing Kinemaster Tamil 26Aug2023
Step 1
Open Kinemaster application and select create new option then click on import option and I will give preset link download it and select
After selecting Preset status turn on your mobile data then everything will download automatically then follow the steps correctly in next
Lightly move the video to select the free status and then the first lyrical show. Next blanks images are all there so follow the steps I am telling you correct.
Now come to the blank photos and zoom the screen so that we can add photos.
Now click on the plant and select the images and click on the replace option on the right side and select the photo you want to edit.
Add your own photo to as many photo blanks as you have to have a similar balance.
To add all the photos, select any photo and adjust the station contrast on the right side and increase the correct amount as needed.
Step 3
Make sure all the adjustments are correct on all the photos and also check the photo cover on the screen.
To add all the photos, go to the photo stop and click to see the layer. I will give you a light effect video Mute it.
I would have given text png. Select it and set it in the lower corner and track it till the end to play the time duration video.
Step 4
First come with the video, I have given the border png, select it, set it as full screen and track the time duration to play the video till the end.
I will not complete the video, please check if you have followed all the steps correctly.
Play the video and see if everything plays correctly then export it in required quality.