Instagram Trending Reels lyrics Editing Kinemaster Tamil 21sep2023


Instagram Trending Reels lyrics Editing Kinemaster Tamil 21sep2023

Instagram Trending Reels lyrics Editing Kinemaster Tamil 21sep2023

Open kinemaster application and select create new option 9x16 ratio and click on create option.

I have given a green screen template video. Select it Mute the audio to stay in it Just come back and select the filter option

Scroll down and click on Mono Effect Select the m05 effect and bring it back to Adjustments Increase Contrast

First come to the video and select the left side green click on the editing option and set the photo decoration 2 second.

First come to play the video and click on the layer menu and select any photo you want to edit.

Center the photo and select the multiple option on the right side blending option.

Same process for each photo Select photo and select Multiple option in Blending option.

How many seconds do you edit a video and get photos every second and correct it? How many seconds do you edit a video and get photos every second?

Now export this video and in the next step we will add it to the settings.

Instagram Reels Editing::--

Now come to full pack and select create new option select 9x16 and click on create option

Now select the photos you want to edit in order one by one.

Select any photo and do not adjust the right side and set the station to minus 100. Scroll down and select the Apply to All option. All photos are black and white.

                Green Screen Template

                          Heart image

                           Song lyrics

Click to view the layer Select the Image Asset option and select Black Color Image and set it to Full Screen Set the Alpha Contrast to minus 60

First come with the video and now we are the last one to export, select that video and set it to full screen and select the screen option in the blending option.

I will give the heart image, select it and give screen option in blending option and set those heart images in the upper corner.

I would have given the lyrical video. Select that too and select the blending option and select the screen option and set the lyrics light zoom in the bottom corner.

I would have given a no effect video. Select it and mute the audio to stay in it and select the screen option in the blending option.

I have also given border pinch and select it and set it to full screen and select the screen option in the blending option and track the ending pattern to play the time tutorial video.

                          Snow effect video

                                Border PNG

I will not complete the video, please check all the steps that I mentioned are correct.

If the video is all correct play then export the video in required quality.

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